I Should Have Known Better - A Life in Pop Management - The Beatles, Brian Epstein and Elton John
During the 60's Ellis was Chief Executive of NEMS Enterprises, Brian Epstein's company, at the time when the Beatles became global super-stars. This is an insider's account of how he took a leading role in turning NEMS from a ramshackle organization into one of the most successful entertainment companies in the world and helped to launch the careers of many of the most significant players.
This concise, evidence-based text contains essential topics important for every pain management student, trainee, and practitioner. Both acute and chronic pain management principles and techniques are discussed, while numerous case vignettes help reinforce basic concepts and improve clinical decision making. Throughout, a multidisciplinary approach to pain is stressed. Behavioral and physical therapies, plus ethical considerations, are also discussed in this indispensable guide for anyone involved in the management of pain.
Production and Operations Management (With Skill Development, Caselets and Cases)
This book further discusses in detail the production system concept, facility location, plant layout design, production scheduling, mass production techniques such as assembly line balancing maintenance planning and control, quality control and modern production management tools that include CIM, TQM,TPM and ISO 9000 & 14000 Series. Primarily designed as a textbook for various courses like BBM, BBA, B.Com., MBA and also useful for students pursuing courses: Production and Operations Management, Mechanical and Industrial & Production Engineering of Bangalore University and other Indian Universities.
Management models - love them or hate them, they're at the heart of management thinking and practice. They have two main purposes: to provide a framework for improving business performance; and to confuse the uninitiated with buzzwords and acronyms.
Product Description: Managing multimedia semantics is a complex task because content creators and archivists describe and interpret semantics associated with the multimedia content in several ways, depending on the context and use of the information. Disciplines such as computer vision and pattern recognition, multimedia database management and modeling, and film theory and semiotics have contributed ideas, theories and techniques for managing multimedia semantics.