Family Medicine Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Fifth Edition
Family Medicine is the ultimate at-a-glance guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common primary care problems. The book spans the full scope of ambulatory medicine, and is organized according to the flow of patient care--starting with insights into signs and symptoms, followed by expert disease management recommendations. The information is presented in a manner that enables you to quickly formulate a list of possible diagnoses, perform cost-effective diagnostic work-up, and prescribe therapy. The principles of clinical decision-making and effective evidence-based management strategies are woven throughout.
Integrated Pest Management: Concepts, Tactics, Strategies and Case Studies
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management. It uses natural predators, pest-resistant plants, and other methods to preserve a healthy environment in an effort to decrease reliance on harmful pesticides. Featuring forty chapters written by leading experts, this textbook covers a broad and comprehensive range of topics in integrated pest management, focused primarily on theory and concepts. It is complemented by two award winning websites, which are regularly updated and emphasize specific IPM tactics, their application, and IPM case studies.
ECG Notes is a quick-lookup reference for ECG interpretation and management. This indispensable pocket guide presents the basics (anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, electrical conduction system of the heart, basic ECG concepts, and monitoring leads), interpretation of over 60 ECG strips, plus over 50 ECG test strips, and provides succinct how-to information on CPR and ACLS algorithms, medications, skills, and 12-lead interpretation.
Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 13 ed
Gain an understanding of the financial theory that is essential for developing and implementing effective financial strategies in business today. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 13E strikes a perfect balance between solid financial theory and practical applications. You develop a strong working knowledge of today's changed financial environment as this edition examines recent financial crises, the global economic crisis, and role of finance in business and your personal life. The book's relevant presentation, numerous examples and emphasis on using Excel spreadsheets show you how to increase the value of a firm.