This volume presents a collection of 23 papers by renowned linguists on current research in the field of theoretical linguistics. The book focuses on linguistic theory and metatheory, and on fundamental concepts and assumptions of modern linguistics.
This volume offers a selection of 19 papers from those read at the 8th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics in Edinburgh. Many of the writers are established authorities in the field, but there are also significant contributions from a younger generation of scholars. The topics discussed span the whole history of English from the Common Germanic period to the present century and the book also includes, as appropriate to the Conference venue, a number of papers on aspects of the historical development of Scots and Scottish English.
New Perspectives on Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teaching
The volume constitutes an attempt to capture the intricate relationship between individual learner differences and other variables which are of interest to theorists, researchers and practitioners representing such diverse branches of applied linguistics as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics or language teaching methodology.
Since the 1960s quantitative linguistics has undergone a great development marked especially by attempts to work systematically with language phenomena on all language levels. Besides traditional areas where significant results were already achieved before the 60s (phonology, graphemics and lexicology), quantitative linguistics has now also penetrated into morphology, syntax, stylistics, history and typology of languages and, more recently, into semantics. This book gives a comprehensive account of the various developments and applications in quantitative linguistics.After an overview of metho
The objective of this book is to better acquaint English-speaking linguistics with a corpus of texts hitherto untranslated, containing the cognitive-based research in formal linguistics of one of the most important theoreticians in the field: Antoine Culioli (b. 1924). Culioli's viewpoint is grounded in Emile Benveniste's (1902-1976) revolutionary answer to Saussure's opposition between competence (langue) and performance (parole) captured in the idea of énonciation, in which the relationship between an individual and a language is one of appropriation.