Just Listening and Speaking - Intermediate
Book+Audio (OCR+128 kbps) An integrated series of books designed for self study or as part of a classroom-based course. "...fills a gap in the market:…perfect solution when teaching an individual student or a small group of two or three." The book is well designed, the graphics are attractive and there is a variety of practice exercise types...has tremendous potential. I can imagine lots of discussions with students simulating role-plays similar to those on the tracks." UPLOADED TO OUR SERVER ÇÀÃÐÓÆÅÍÎ ÍÀ ÍÀØ ÑÅÐÂÅÐ
This practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication.
International Express Intermediate, New Edition - A new edition that retains the successful combination of general and work-related English with over 70% new material.
Heinemann ELT Hits Photocopiable - BOOK+AUDIO
Authentic pop songs by original artists, with fun activities to stimulate communication.
Opportunities - Upper Intermediate Students' Book+Audio CDs Îòëè÷íûé ó÷åáíèê ñåðèè Opportunities äëÿ óðîâíÿ Upper-Intermediate. Modules of topic-based units provide rich, contemporary content based on a wide variety of informative themes. With a discovery approach to grammar and an upfront focus on vocabulary. Opportunities ensures the most effective language learning for teenagers. FULL PDF VERSION LINK ADDED ÄÎÁÀÂËÅÍÀ ÑÑÛËÊÀ ÍÀ ÏÎËÍÛÉ ×/Á PDF ÍÀ RAPIDSHARE 09.06.07 Colour pdf file added äîáàâëåí öâåòíîé ïäô ôàéë