Storyworks makes reading, writing, and building language arts skills fun for kids every month. Each colourful issue is packed with fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and plays that kids love to read—plus lively, interactive activity pages that build skills.
A native bee, the bumblebee. takes a starring role in this nonfiction picture book about the bumblebee’s life cycle and natural history. Learn how a queen bumblebee digs out of the ground and starts her year all alone yet builds a colony by summer’s end.
The stories in the Read Well Storybooks captivate young children and encompass multiple genres, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Teacher prompts are at point-of-use in the Storybooks to encourage highly interactive reading, build content knowledge, and encourage vocabulary development.
Master the basics of English grammar with this carefully designed CD-ROM. The program contains everything you'll need to know: the definition of grammar, parts of speech, common nouns and pronouns, verb tenses, conjugations, compound sentences, and more. It includes live-action video, sophisticated animation and computer graphics, quizzes with robust assessment, and an interactive trivia game. Cowritten by Chris Thaiss, Ph.D., of George Mason University and Charles Fisher, M.A., of the Madeira School.
Quest is an exciting, brand new series, written and researched for Greece, with a rich package of resources, including a FREE multiROM for every student, and iTools interactive software for the school!