Finest stories from around the world--most of them old favorites: "Sleeping Beauty," "Rumpelstiltskin," "Cinderella," "The Arabian Nights," 33 more. Includes original 138 black-and-white illustrations.
Text provides a totally painless way to learn the fundamentals and general concepts of trigonometry. Uses prose and illustrations to describe the concepts, offers questions at the end of each chapter and section, and includes a 100-question self-test.
The adventures of the three Darling children in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. Illustrated notes throughout the text explain the historical background of the story. Includes an audio tape featuring a reading of the text with special effects and music.
Presenting cutting edge research on media discourse in one compact volume, this book takes a detailed look at spoken interactions in the media. Featuring data from a variety of sources, the book includes interviews with Tony Blair and George W. Bush.
"Intellectual Property" includes trademarks, formulae and copyright, and an understanding of it is becoming increasingly vital for business success. Companies need to know how to exploit their intellectual property through licensing and joint venture arrangements, which can generate profits if used properly. The book includes easy-to-use checklists and procedures, as well as charts and graphs, to assist in assessing licensing and joint venture arrangements. Special features include analysis of specific industries and appendices listing actual royalty rates of some well-known agreements. The text is supplemented annually to keep subscribers up-to-date on the financial issues affecting joint venturing, particularly tax, legal and accounting practices.