Diagnostic Electron Microscopy: A Text/Atlas By Richard G. Dickersin Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Atlas presents the basic diagnostic criteria used by the electron microscopist in studying neoplasms and other diseases encountered in the routine practice of pathology. Includes full-page, halftone plates. Includes more than 894 first-quality images.
Revised and written by leaders in the field, this expanded Second Edition text/atlas focuses on surgical techniques and surgical decision making. Coverage includes the latest techniques, patient examination and evaluation, surgical indications, contraindications and complications.
Text rejects radical procedures expected in advanced disease and focuses on a combined functional and selective approach for optimal outcome. Nearly 200 high-quality, sequential operative photographs and drawings highlight all points. Includes a synthesis of American and Latin viewpoints.
Pingu loves English 1 is the first part of a series which is a terrific example of how learning can be interactive and child friendly.It is adopted to the young age and makes it interesting and lots of fun to learn English for kids. It consists of funactivities which every child will enjoy involving all the senses. The whole complex includes Fun Book, Student's book, Teacher's book and audiocassettes.
Pronunciation is a rich resource of imaginative ideas and techniques for teaching pronunciation;this book builds students' confidence by encouraging a holistic approach.
It includes activities to improve rhythm, stress, and intonation as well as individual sounds.