This is the first book in the Headway series, but it was published somewhat as an after thought. It really is an excellent book for adults wishing to begin learning English as a foreign language. It presumes no prior knowledge of the language, but it does make use of all those "recent" words such as "radio" or "cassette" that most students are familiar with. It is a very good classroom book, with whole class work as well as small group activities, and the workbook provides useful back-up. PDF version added by Englishcology
Making Headway is a supplementary series for teachers and students of English. It is designed to complement the Headway coursebooks, but can also be used with other main coursebooks. This book is for adult upper-intermediate learners who want to develop their reading skills and to broaden their vocabulary in order to deal more confidently with the English of literary texts.
New Headway Elementary - the THIRD edition brought right up-to-date, with new topics and new features. The Student's Book, Workbook, Teacher's Book, Teacher's Resource Book, Audio CD, and CD-ROM have all been revised.
Teacher's book added Thanks to vcherasko!/ converted by decabristka