A comprehensive reference source, Handbook of Second Language Acquisition discusses the research, theory, and applications specific to second language acquisition.
Tense and aspect are means by which language refers to time-how an event takes place in the past, present, or future. They play a key role in understanding the grammar and structure of all languages, and interest in them reaches across linguistics. The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect is a comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible guide to the topics and theories that currently form the front line of research into tense, aspect, and related areas. The volume contains 36 chapters, divided into 6 sections, written by internationally known experts in theoretical linguistics.
The Handbook of Semantics provides a broad and state-of-the-art survey of this field, covering semantic research at both word and sentence level. It presents a synoptic view of the most important areas of semantic investigation, including contemporary methodologies and debates, and indicating possible future directions in the field.
What is language and how can we investigate its acquisition by children or adults? What perspectives exist from which to view acquisition? What internal constraints and external factors shape acquisition? What are the properties of interlanguage systems? This comprehensive 31-chapter handbook is an authoritative survey of second language acquisition (SLA). Its multi-perspective synopsis on recent developments in SLA research provides significant contributions by established experts and widely recognized younger talent.
Handbook of Implementation Science for Psychology in Education
Implementation Science is the science of the effectiveness of research for real-world practitioners. This book is an indispensable, highly innovative, and evidence-based resource aimed at utilizing research in psychology to improve all aspects of education, from individual teaching programs to organizational development.