A Man's Guide to Pregnancy is a fun look at pregnancy from the man's point of view.
It makes an especially good gift book for the expecting father as it is full of humorous helpful hints to guide a man through this sometimes confusing, always hectic time.
Give non-native speakers the added benefit of exclusive English Language Coach side notes to help them better understand key concepts in informational text - especially those related to vocabulary and usage. The Active Learning and Note Taking Guide (ELL) will help ELL (English Language Learner) students get started by providing plentiful sample answers as they learn to apply the Cornell Note Taking system to informational text in their Student Edition. Students will develop effective reading strategies for informational text with an active reading approach that lets them interact with and mark up text for increased understanding.
Give non-native speakers the added benefit of exclusive English Language Coach side notes to help them better understand key concepts in informational text - especially those related to vocabulary and usage. The Active Learning and Note Taking Guide (ELL) will help ELL (English Language Learner) students get started by providing plentiful sample answers as they learn to apply the Cornell Note Taking system to informational text in their Student Edition. Students will develop effective reading strategies for informational text with an active reading approach that lets them interact with and mark up text for increased understanding.
Next to Shakespeare, Ben Jonson is perhaps the most widely studied Renaissance dramatist. Very few students of literature or drama would not encounter Volpone or Bartholomew Fair in the course of their studies, and there has been a recent resurgence of interest in Epicoene, or the Silent Women among gender theorists. As part of the Complete Critical Guide series, this volume offers the broadest range of information on Jonson and his works, from background on contexts to details of recent interpretations of his plays. A must for students of the Renaissance.