Your guide to passing the U.S. Citizenship Test and becoming a citizen This guide helps you learn about the history and government of the United States and improve your English skills. As you review the information and practice answering questions, you will become more comfortable taking the written and oral U.S. Citizenship tests in English.
The Glenoce World History Reading Essentials and Note-Taking Guide incorporates interactive reading strategies with core content from the “Glencoe World History 2008” textbook written at a lower level than the textbook to help struggling readers and ELL (English Language Learner) students. Some texts will also be useful for ESL/EFL reading comprehension exercises on social studies topics.
Classroom Strategies for Helping At-Risk Students is essential reading for busy teachers who want to use high-quality research to guide their practice. It synthesizes the results of 118 studies of students at risk of failure and identifies six general strategies proven to be positive interventions. The book describes each strategy, analyzes the research, and offers implications for deciding how to use the strategies. A discussion guide helps readers directly connect the research to their own classrooms.
Featuring a stellar teamn of contributors, this book offers a unique introduction to the essential concepts necessary for the study of childrens literature. Incorporating thirteen essays from the highly acclaimed International Companion Encyclopedia of Children'sLiterature, the chapters guide the reader through the most relevant areas of criticism and theory and summarise their contexts and application.