Risk Management in Financial Institutions: Formulating Value Propositions
Risk managers are under pressure to compete in a competitive environment while solidly honouring their obligations and navigating their business safely toward the future. Paramount to their success is the ability to identify, formulate, assess and communicate value propositions to their stakeholders. This book presents valuable insights from principal researchers and practitioners from leading financial institutions. They provide many insightful ideas, concepts and methods to help shape or reshape value propositions.
The recent global financial crisis was caused, at least in part, by the financial ignorance of many consumers. Many students and young adults in particular have never been taught the basics of financial planning. Yet, the earlier people move from financial illiteracy to literacy, the greater the benefits that will accumulate over time. As The Student's Guide to Financial Literacy makes clear, practices adopted in the early years of adulthood can have the most dramatic effect on a personÕs ultimate quality of life, level of success, and age of retirement.
In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives
In this groundbreaking study of the financial meltdown, renowned radical political economists lay bare the roots of the crisis in the inner logic of capitalism itself. Objective and detailed, this account provocatively challenges the call for a return to a largely mythical golden age of economic regulation as a check on finance capital. In addition, it deftly illuminates how the era of neoliberal free markets has been, in practice, under-girded by state intervention on a massive scale.
Effective Financial ManagementFinancial management comprises more than accounting and reporting. It is crucial at all stages in the business cycle, whatever the state of your business.
Though written to help the British entrepreneur, Effective Financial Management covers the day to day financial concerns of a business in a practical, common-sense way. It starts with advice on raising money for a business; continues through maintaining investor relationships; includes useful information on accounting, reporting, and communicating effectively with a wide range
Global Economic Prospects 2010: Crisis, Finance, and Growth
This report explores both the short- and medium-term impacts of the financial crisis on developing countries. It presents evidence that the financial boom played a critical role in the growth boom experienced by developing countries between 2003 and 2007, but that tighter conditions in the future are expected to result in weaker growth over the next 5 to 15 years. Although global growth has resumed, the recovery is fragile, and unless business and consumer demand strengthen, the world economy could slow down again.