Absolute Financial English: English for Finance and Accounting
Added by: Alexxa | Karma: 57.14 | ESP, Other exams | 8 October 2010
Absolute Financial English
Absolute Financial English is a complete course for students preparing for the ICFE examination and for anyone studying English for finance and accounting purposes.
Nerds on Wall Street: Math, Machines and Wired Markets
An intriguing look at how technology is changing financial markets, from an innovator on the frontlines of this revolution Nerds on Wall Street tells the tale of the ongoing technological transformation of the world's financial markets. The impact of technology on investing is profound, and author David Leinweber provides readers with an overview of where we were just a few short years ago, and where we are going.
American and Chinese Power after The Financial Crisis
Added by: Alexvn12345 | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 28 September 2010
American and Chinese Power after The Financial Crisis
Will a rising China be able to surpass US both economically and militarily as quickly as extrapolated?
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Credit 911: Secrets and Strategies to Saving Your Financial Life
A comprehensive guide to reclaiming your financial life After the dramatic mortgage crisis and stock market collapse, people are beginning to recognize that the only way to secure their financial future is to take charge of their own spending and saving habits. You can survive this crisis, solve your credit problems, and move on to achieve your dreams, and Credit 911 can show you how.
Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice
A groundbreaking exploration of the critical ethical issues in financial theory and practice Compiled by volume editor John Boatright, Finance Ethics consists of contributions from scholars from many different finance disciplines. It covers key issues in financial markets, financial services, financial management, and finance theory, and includes chapters on market regulation, due diligence, reputational risk, insider trading, derivative contracts, hedge funds, mutual and pension funds, insurance, socially responsible investing, microfinance, ....