Real Estate Accounting Made EasyAll the fundamentals of accounting and finance of the real estate industry-made easy
Providing both the theories and practices of real estate from an accounting and financial perspective, Real Estate Accounting Made Easy is a must-read for anyone who needs a thorough and easier understanding of the real estate industry. Walks you through the audit processes, including how to prepare the audit and the different kinds of audits Helps new auditors, the company being audited, and users of audit reports understand the fundamentals of the financial aspect of the real estate business
“ Read, interpret, and analyze governmental financialstatements–Governmental Accounting Made Easy explains everything you need to know, including: Basic accounting concepts underlying all governmental accounting and financial reporting Basic financial statements prepared under the new financial reporting model, including government-wide financial statements and fund financial statements Note disclosures that accompany governmental financial statements Complicated accounting issues commonly found in governmental financial statements
Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments forms part three of the Market Risk Analysis four volume set. This book is an in-depth, practical and accessible guide to the models that are used for pricing and the strategies that are used for hedging financial instruments, and to the markets in which they trade. It provides a comprehensive, rigorous and accessible introduction to bonds, swaps, futures and forwards and options, including variance swaps, volatility indices and their futures and options, to stochastic volatility models and to modelling the implied and local volatility surfaces.
Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Practical Financial Econometrics forms part two of the Market Risk Analysis four volume set. It introduces the econometric techniques that are commonly applied to finance with a critical and selective exposition, emphasising the areas of econometrics, such as GARCH, cointegration and copulas that are required for resolving problems in market risk analysis. The book covers material for a one-semester graduate course in applied financial econometrics in a very pedagogical fashion as each time a concept is introduced an empirical example is given
Added by: Financier | Karma: 94.69 | Black Hole | 1 February 2011
English for the Financial Sector (Audio)
English for the Financial Sector helps learners to prepare for a career in finance and enables those already working in the industry to improve their financial English.
Подготовка к ICFE (International Certificate in Financial English).
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