Welcome to the third Talk a Lot course book! This book contains more than three hundred hours’ worth of learning materials which teachers can use to create fun and interesting spoken English lessons for their students.
Creative Comprehension for Elementary Schools is a four-level comprehension series that contains a variety of passages for elementary English classes. The passages cover a wide variety of topics that appeal to young learners and are designed to make reading an enjoyable experience. These passages are exploited with a range of exercise types that focus on the development of reading and writing skills at the elementary level.
Mathematical Excursions: Side trips along paths not generally traveled in elementary courses in mathematics
Table of Contents: Introduction I. On Dividing II. Different Ways Of Writing Numbers III. Multiplying Without The Multiplication Table IV. Mostly On Squares
Here is the first modern introduction to geometric probability, also known as integral geometry, presented at an elementary level, requiring little more than first-year graduate mathematics. Klein and Rota present the theory of intrinsic volumes due to Hadwiger, McMullen, Santaló and others, along with a complete and elementary proof of Hadwiger's characterization theorem of invariant measures in Euclidean n-space.