American Heritage Dictionary The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition on CD-ROM American Heritage Dictionary (Cd-ROM версия) обладает всеми достоинствами печатной. 10000 новых определений, этимологий, объяснений использования etc. 70000 озвученных произношений. REUPLOAD NEEDED
Careful investigations have shown that children understand many words more easily by seeing them used in appropriate sentences than by trying to understand their synonyms listed in a dictionary. The 10,000 words in A Sentence Dictionary are therefore used in sentences skilfully written to make them interesting to students. A special feature is the use of a symbol to separate the meanings of a word, or its uses as different parts of speech.
The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program. The latest release is 0.9.0. You are welcome to look around, download the program, provide feedback, and join the cause.
MW Visual Dictionary Offline for Babylon/Goldendict
This offline .bgl file (that works on Babylon and Goldendict) is based on "The Visual Dictionary Online", which is an interactive dictionary with an innovative approach.