With the Pop-up New Dictionary of English is the absolute essential tool for anyone who wants to write well! The Dictionary of English is a completely unique dictionary, written on modern principles. It builds on the excellence of the lexicographical traditions of scholarship and analysis of evidence as set down by the English Dictionary over a century ago. It is informed by currently available evidence and current thinking about language and cognition.
Dictionary of Pseudonyms: 13,000 assumed names and their origins
Substantially revised and enlarged, this new edition of the Dictionary of Pseudonyms includes more than 2,000 new entries, bringing the volume's total to approximately 13,000 assumed names, nicknames, stage names, and aliases. The introduction has been entirely rewritten, and many previous entries feature new accompanying details or quoted material. This volume also features a significantly greater number of cross-references than was included in previous editions. Arranged by pseudonym, the entries give the true name, vital dates, country of origin or settlement, and profession. Many entries also include the story behind the person's name change.