The Dictionary of Health Economics
This expansive Dictionary comprehensively covers the field of health economics and closely related fields including epidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, demography, medical sociology, medical statistics and bio-statistics, health policy, health administration and health service management, public health medicine and qualitative and quantitative research. Entries and definitions are provided for all key concepts listed with, in many cases, more extended entries on core or controversial ideas.
A Dictionary of Literary Symbols
This is the first dictionary of symbols to be based on literature, rather than "universal" pyschological archetypes, myths or esoterica. Michael Ferber has assembled nearly two hundred main entries clearly explaining and illustrating the literary symbols that we all encounter (such as swan, rose, moon, gold), along with hundreds of cross-references and quotations. The dictionary concentrates on English literature, but its entries range widely from the Bible and classical authors to the twentieth century, taking in American and European literatures. Its informed style and rich references will make this book an essential tool not only for literary and classical scholars, but for all students of literature.
Dictionary of applied math for engineers and scientists Clear, concise definitions of mathematical terms are not easy to locate, and despite the seemingly close connections between math and other scientific and engineering fields, practical explanations comprehensible to those who are not primarily mathematicians are even more difficult to find. The Dictionary of Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists fills that void. It contains authoritative yet accessible definitions to mathematical terms often encountered in other disciplines. This practical lexicon will help students and professionals alike make sure they use mathematical terminology correctly and fully understand the mathematical literature encountered in their fields.
This volume introduces the laboratory terms that are crucial to the interpretation and understanding of laboratory report findings.
The definitions and accompanying illustrations come from various disciplines including toxicology, drug chemistry, criminalistics, bioscience/DNA, firearms/ballistics, forensic pathology, and law.
The illustrations communicate the use of laboratory instruments and investigative and laboratory methods of analysis.
Acronyms Dictionary Let's be honest (LBH) - easy (EZ) is better. Get your message across quickly. The AIM acronym dictionary has the most common abbreviations that you (U) might come across while IMing with your friends. Good luck (GL) and have a nice day (HAND).