Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
This revised edition provides a survey of current biochemistry and molecular biology in the form of a dictionary. It contains short but informative entries arranged under more than 17,000 headwords. It is intended as a handy reference of first resource for those seeking information outside their immediate knowledge area or for those who need to refresh their memory of fundamental knowledge. This revised edition has been fully up-dated in order to include the new information that has been discovered since the original edition was published in 1997.
Oxford Talking Dictionary for BABYLON
- Instantly look up a word anywhere and locate words within the text of a definition or thesaurus entry.
- Partial word find locates words when you only know some of the letters.
- Alternate Spellings help you helps you find the word even if you don't know the correct spelling.
- Choose from over 500,000 definitions.
- Over 9,000 Encyclopedic entries and 83,000 Citations make this in - depth dictionary even more informative.
Dictionary of World Philosophy
This is the first comprehensive reference to the vast field of world philosophy. The Dictionary covers all the major subfields of the discipline, with entries drawn from West African, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Latin American, Maori, and Native American philosophy--including Nahua philosophy, a previously unexplored, but key instance of Pre-Hispanic thought. Entries include: * abazimu * abortion * Advaita * afrocentricity * age of the world * artificial life * baskets of knowledge * bhakti body *brotherhood * chain of being * Chinese legalism * creation *cybernetics * darshana * death * dravya * euthanasia *love * madrash * memory * Mohism * paradox * passion* philosophy of education * speculative grammar * paranormal *Aouism * theurgy * truth * virtue * Zen * and many more.