Words of Intelligence: A Dictionary by Jan Goldman As noted in the foreword, with the creation of Homeland Security, the
need for a standard vocabulary for the intelligence community became a
priority. This concise dictionary is an attempt to document the
operational and evolving intelligence vocabulary.
More than 600 entries range in length from one or two sentences to a paragraph, with the occasional page-long entry (derogatory information,
for example). Librarians and information professionals will find the
five pages of definitions for terms beginning with information as defined in the intelligence context to be of special interest. Starting with analysis and finishing with information warriors, the way the intelligence community perceives informationand
its use is unique. Mixed in with the entries for intelligence terms are
brief definitions of key events that were either missed, affected, or
successfully noted through the use of intelligence, including Iran, fall of the shah; Korean War;and Yom-Kippur War.
The dictionary concludes with 20 pages of notes along with an appendix
of what author Goldman considers essential Web sites of intelligence
agencies in the U.S. as well as selected international agencies. Before
the dictionary proper are 20 pages of acronyms used in the U.S.
government and military. (Amazon.com).
The International Dictionary of Marketing offers definitions of everyday marketing terms and jargon, plus in-depth explanations of marketing practices and procedures.
This approach includes detailed observations and comment, making it an essential - and practical - guide for experienced professionals as well as trainees and student
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, is America's most trusted reference tool. This "voice of authority" features over 214,000 definitions and 160,000 entries. To further enhance this reference tool, it also includes Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus, with nearly 250,000 synonyms, antonyms, and idiomatic phrases, and the American Concise Encyclopedia, with more than 15,000 entries.
This dictionary may be small in stature, but it will be a big help to you if you are learning English. "NTC's Super-Mini English Dictionary" contains a comprehensive word list yet is compact enough to fit in your pocket. You will have access to the spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, meaning, and irregular forms of more than 7,500 of the most common and basic words used in English.
Longman Writing Coach on CD-ROM- Essential Activator plus Active Study Dictionary The Longman Essential Activator 2nd Edition is a unique dictionary for intermediate level students who want to expand their vocabulary and improve their writing skills. From just 600 basic words - such as 'useful' - students can learn thousands more - such as 'invaluable', 'handy' and 'versatile'.