Carl C. Gaither, Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither “Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations"
Finding words of wisdom about science is now easy with Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations. Organized thematically and indexed alphabetically by author, this work makes readily available an unprecedented collection of approximately 21,000 quotations related to a broad range of scientific topics, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. The thematic organization allows you to effortlessly find a pertinent quotation from a variety of sources and perspectives. The resulting compendium allows a reader to conceptualize and embrace the written images of scientists, laymen, politicians, novelists, playwrights, and poets about humankind's scientific achievements. Quotations are listed with the credited author, title, chapter, page number, birth/death date, and occupation where possible.
Essential American Idioms
The Up-to-Date Guide to the Idioms of Modern American English
Whether you are a learner of English who is having difficulty understanding expressions in everyday speech or a native speaker who wants to expand your written or spoken range, you need a comprehensive reference for idioms, common phrases, and sayings of American English.
The Up-to-Date Guide
to the Slang of Modern American English
This concise, easy-to-use reference defines and explains hundreds of contemporary American slang expressions and illustrates their use in real-life situations. You will learn to understand this integral part of living English as used by Americans in all walks of life.
This is the English-Spanish version of Usborne's Beginner's Spanish Dictionary.
This time you have ALL the images labelled in English. You can use them as flashcards or with a little image editing, change the Spanish vocabulary box into you own language.
This colorful, humorously illustrated dictionary is devised to make language learning easy and fun. It contains about 2,000 everyday words and phrases. The words are grouped thematically and illustrated with amusing pictures and busy scenes so that beginners are introduced to them in context.
Peter Collin "Easier English Intermediate Dictionary" With over 28,000 entries, the Easier English Intermediate Dictionary is designed especially for intermediate or lower-intermediate students of English
Example sentences show how words are used in context. There are also clear notes on gramma, irregular verbs and easily confused words, as well as pronunciations for all main entries.