Read All About It offers high-interest readings based on authentic materials.
Read All About It Starter themes correspond to The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary . The Word Lists in the readers provide page references to the respective Dictionary .
* Draws on authentic news stories, magazine articles, biographies, folktales, and poetry.
* Develops reading skills, vocabulary, and critical thinking through a wide variety of pre-reading, reading and, post-reading activities.
* Invites cooperative learning through group and pair work.
* Includes Teacher's Notes
The Express Picture Dictionary - Student's Book + Audio
Added by: Lyudmila A | Karma: 103.16 | Coursebooks, Kids | 22 May 2008
This beautifully illustrated dictionary contains more than 1,500 words most needed by young learners. The book is topic-based and presents vocabulary through attractive pictures and meaningful text. With The Express Picture Dictionary students build vocabulary skills through fun activities, puzzles, games and tasks which are designed to motivate them and stimulate their imagination.
Student's Book и Audio к этому замечательному пособию. Красочно, весело и познавательно.
Laboratories are the source of all medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, and bioscientific research. Scientific English in the laboratory is a prerequisite for efficient communication and successful work. The corresponding terminology for lab facilities, equipment, tools, methods and technology is of equal importance as that of chemicals and safety-relevant issues. The Laboratory Dictionary contains some 12,000 terms in both languages (German • English) that are essential for living, surviving, and working in the lab. The Laboratory Dictionary will prove itself useful in working with manuals, catalogs, and operation instructions delivered with laboratory equipment as much as for reading and writing of scientific publications.
Advanced English Dictionary is distinguished from the other (paper, electronic) dictionaries in many ways. Not because it contains far more words than a conventional paper dictionary, but because it uses a radically new approach and technology called WordNet. Instead of just listing the words and their definitions, Advanced English Dictionary shows how every word is linked to another. Type in the word "tree" and you will get not only the definition, synonyms and opposites, but the hypernyms (a tree is a kind of what?), meronyms (what are the parts of a tree?) and more. You can also find a list of hundreds of trees, from yellowwood to the Tree of Knowledge, and even all words that contain the letters t-r-e-e. This WordNet approach will help you to understand the meanings of words better. Linguists call WordNet project one of the biggest leaps for dictionaries since scholars sat down to write the epic Oxford English Dictionary.
The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners - Activity Book
Added by: Lyudmila A | Karma: 103.16 | Coursebooks, Kids | 21 May 2008
The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners is a beautifully illustrated, fun-to-use dictionary, designed to present and consolidate basic vocabulary. The Activity Book will help the youngest learners to acquire more than 1500 useful words :-)
Этот красочно оформленный словарь включает более 1,500 слов необходимых для самых маленьких учеников. Словарь разбит по темам и представляет материал с помощью привлекательных картинок и выразительных текстов. Для повышения мотивации и стимулирования детского воображения в словаре используются веселые занятия, пазлы, игры и задания.