The English You Need For The Office Following a picture process dictionary approach The English You Need for the Office introduces vocabulary for talking about 56 daily office activities, focusing on verbs as the main building blocks for communication.
The English You Need For The Office includes helpful appendices, conversational material for each chapter, “My Way” process templates, and an audio CD with spoken captions and dialogue from each picture. To complement the dictionary, a Multi-skills Activity Book with audio CD is also available.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! From purple potato salad to lottery winnings, the stories in this engaging collection will humor you, surprise you, and invite students to learn English through a sparkling avenue! Drawn from authentic news articles, folktales, and poetry, each of the 24 two-color selections is supported with photographs and illustrations. The pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities include filling in the blanks, matching, interpreting graphs, and discussing solutions to problems. These books can be used either as independent text or with the support of The Oxford Picture Dictionary. The cassettes contain recordings of all the readings.
Russian-English/English-Russian Dictionary on Probability, Statistics, and Combinatorics
By K. A. Borovkov
Publisher: Society for Industrial Mathematics
Number Of Pages: 162
Publication Date: 1987-01-01
Concise Medical Dictionary - the wonderful combination between the best-selling dictionary and an engine of well-known dictionary reader. This combination bring to users a "state of the art" product together with perfect supporting services.
They put the valuable database under the professional production of PPCLink to offer you a product which makes all medical problems become insignificant just by one tap away.
Advanced English Dictionary is distinguished from the other (paper, electronic) dictionaries in many ways. Not because it contains far more words than a conventional paper dictionary, but because it uses a radically new approach and technology called WordNet. Instead of just listing the words and their definitions, Advanced English Dictionary shows how every word is linked to another. Type in the word "tree" and you will get not only the definition, synonyms and opposites, but the hypernyms (a tree is a kind of what?), meronyms (what are the parts of a tree?) and more. You can also find a list of hundreds of trees, from yellowwood to the Tree of Knowledge, and even all words that contain the letters t-r-e-e. This WordNet approach will help you to understand the meanings of words better. Linguists call WordNet project one of the biggest leaps for dictionaries since scholars sat down to write the epic Oxford English Dictionary.
Features in a nutshell:
One of the largest database
Advanced English Dictionary uses one of the largest English database. It contains up to 250,000 entries and more than 1.6 million words (both American and British English)..........