Product Description: Approachable for general readers as well as for students in women's studies-related courses at all levels, this invaluable guide follows the unique Routledge Companion format in combining over a dozen in-depth background chapters with more than 400 A-Z dictionary entries. The background chapters are written by major voices in the field of feminist studies, and include thorough coverage of the history of feminism, as well as extensive discussions of topics such as Post-Feminism, Men in Feminism, Feminism and New Technologies, Feminism and Philosophy. The dictionary entries cover the major individuals and issues essential to an understanding both of feminism's roots and of the trends that are shaping its future. Readers will find entries on people like Aphra Behn, Simone de Beauvoir, Princess Diana, Courtney Love and Robert Bly, and on subjects such as Afro-American feminism, cosmetic surgery, the "new man", prostitution, reproductive technologies, "slasher" films, and much more.
Product Description: First published in 1976, the Dictionary of Philosophy has established itself as the best available text of its kind, explaining often unfamiliar, complicated and diverse terminology. Providing an illuminating and informed introduction to central philosophical issues, concepts and perspectives in the core fields of metaphysics, epistemology and philosophical logic, the Dictionary takes the most commonly-used terms and notions and clarifies what they mean to the philosopher and what sort of problems the philosopher finds associated with them. Thoroughly revised and updated the bibliographies supply core reading lists and each entry uses extensive cross referencing to related themes and concepts to provide greater access, control and comprehension. The Dictionary will also provide those working in proximate fields with an understanding of areas of overlapping interest, concepts of common applicability and the full range and diversity of philosophicalanalysis and insight.
Product Description: A 21st Century update of Roger Fowler's 1973 Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms that contained entries written by such giants of Literary Theory as Terry Eagleton, Malcolm Bradbury and Victor and Lorna Sage, this is an essential reference book for students of literature at all levels.
Product Description: The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History is an essential guide to the last two centuries of British history, which have witnessed democratization, international decline, devolution, the rise of the welfare state, and New Labour challenging the Conservatives as the natural party of government. This book includes: * every Prime Minister from Pitt the Younger to Tony Blair * protest movements from Chartism to CND * military conflict from the French Revolutionary Wars to Iraq * and milestones from the Act of Union to the Northern Ireland peace process
Have you ever wondered about the origin of phrases such as "everything but the kitchen sink" and "long time no see"? Then this is the book for you. The Shorter Dictionary of Catch Phrases is a condensed version of Eric Partridge's Dictionary of Catch Phrases concentrating on those phrases that may be found in current use. All of the entries have been rewritten; many are new and 25% are U.S. phrases or of U.S. origin. This will be the "bee's knees" for serious students or lovers of language.