Learning Math With Calculators: Activities for Grades 3-8
Teachers interested in the whys and hows of incorporating calculators into math instruction will benefit enormously from this book. The first part addresses a broad range of questions and concerns raised by teachers. The second part consists of a collection of classroom-tested calculator activities that have been designed to develop children's number sense and problem-solving ability.
Raise the level of your game with the complete instruction found in Serious Tennis. Internationally known instructor Scott Williams, in conjunction with 20 of the top tennis minds in the world, presents the same technique, conditioning, mental training, and strategy tips used to develop the world's best players.
Serious Tennis shows you how to
• use SMARTS to improve your strokes,
• develop tactical awareness and increase anticipation,
Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success. Emotional intelligence coach Harvey Deutschendorf has shown thousands of people how to relate emotional intelligence to everyday situations. Here, he uses the proven techniques of storytelling, combined with quotes and exercises, to show readers how to apply the principles of EI on the job. Filled with real-life scenarios and solutions, this book offers tools that will bring results in as little as five minutes a day and shows how to develop stress tolerance, cultivate empath...
Develop Your Assertiveness offers simple techniques to enable you to become more assertive. Packed with examples and exercises, it is a self-help guide covering topics such as: the importance of choice behavior; tension control, self-awareness and self-esteem; relationships; making and refusing requests; dealing with problem people.