Read Alouds help to build children’s listening comprehension. This anthology offers selections from a variety of genres, including biography, fiction, folktales, nonfiction, songs, and poetry, to share with children. Instruction is provided with each selection to develop specific comprehension strategies.
Robert Frank’s Microeconomics and Behavior covers the essential topics of microeconomics while exploring the relationship between economics analysis and human behavior. The book’s clear narrative appeals to students, and its numerous examples help students develop economic intuition. This book introduces modern topics not often found in intermediate textbooks. Its focus throughout is to develop a student’s capacity to "think like an economist."
NEW INTERCHANGE INTRO 3rd EDITION SBNew Interchange Third Edition is the world’s most successful English series for adults and young adult learners. Each unit includes up to date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
NEW INTERCHANGE INTRO 3rd EDITION teacher's editionNew Interchange Third Edition is the world’s most successful English series for adults and young adult learners. Each unit includes up to date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
NEW INTERCHANGE INTRO 3rd WBNew Interchange Third Edition is the world’s most successful English series for adults and young adult learners. Each unit includes up to date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.