This creative book is full of fun and imaginative ideas to help children aged 4-11 with a speech or language delay or disorder to develop their communication skills. It is packed with activities and games specifically tailored to help develop skills such as articulation, vocabulary development, breath control, conversation skills and non-verbal communication. This activity book will be an invaluable resource not only for speech and language therapists and students, but also for parents, teachers who are looking for creative ways to promote language development.
Цель учебно-методического пособия - подготовить будущих специалистов к международному профессиональному общению на английском языке по широкому профилю нефтегазового вуза, а именно: развить лексические и грамматические навыки и умения чтения, говорения, письма, перевода, конспектирования, аннотирования и реферирования.
The aim of the text is to train undergraduates to communicate English internationally on the wide range of subjets of oil and gas industry, i.e. to develop lexical, grammar, reading, writing and speaking skills, as well as some basics of translation, summarising, abstracting, etc.
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals, 6 edition
YOUR GUIDE TO COLLEGE SUCCESS: STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS, 6th Edition, enables student self-awareness and facilitates active learning strategies in pursuit of college success goals. This practical, experiential textbook presents a six-step model that focuses students on achievable goals: "Know Yourself," "Clarify Your Values," "Develop Your Competence," "Manage Your Life," "Expand Your Resources," and "Build a Bright Future."
Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods
This book aims at clarifying and explaining some of the different approaches and methods by which ‘qualitative’ research in education is being conducted and to develop a sense of what is meant by the term ‘qualitative.