Read Alouds help to build children’s listening comprehension. This anthology offers selections from a variety of genres, including biography, fiction, folktales, nonfiction, songs, and poetry, to share with children. Instruction is provided with each selection to develop specific comprehension strategies.
This collection of activities was developed for instructors working with adult ESL learners who have had little or no opportunity to develop reading and writing skills.
English Way is a complete series of DVDs from Beginner to Advanced Level. Each lesson is composed of a sitcom and a grammar section with a native teacher. This course is designed to develop oral communication skills and build learner confidence. Reuploaded/ PDF added Thanks to wepr
Presentations in English is the ideal choice for anyone who needs to make presentations in English. The flexible seven-step approach helps students to 'find their voice' and develop their own unique presentation style.
The Stage 1+ Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta, provide a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills. First Sentences and More First Sentences A, B and C introduce children to stories told through complete sentences to provide practice of high frequency vocabulary to build confidence and fluency. Patterned Stories and More Patterned Stories A practise vocabulary in the context of a repeated sentence structure to help develop confidence and fluency.