This volume challenges the monolingual mindset by highlighting how language-related issues surround us in many different ways, and explores the tensions that can develop in managing and understanding multilingualism.
Language Leader Advanced provides a thought-provoking, purposeful approach to learning. With its combination of stimulating, informational content and systematic skills work, Language Leader is the ideal course to develop analytical and communicative excellence.
English for Life: Reading B1+ Intermediate & Resources for Teachers
To read fluently in all situations you need to practise reading different kinds of texts. Collins Reading presents 20 different texts with exercises to help you develop the skills to read anything you come across. Reading features authentic texts and a wide variety of styles to help you develop your reading skills, such as reading for general understanding and reading for detail.
EDU, a platform that helps decision makers at higher education institutions govern their institutions smartly. With its strong connect and a nationwide reach EDU creates a channel for enterprises to develop business opportunities in the education sector.
Althusser’s Lesson represents the foundations of Jacques Rancière’s theoretical project. It marks the moment at which he emerges from the tutelage of his mentor, Louis Althusser, and begins to outline the themes he will go on to develop in his later writings. Here Rancière is already working out a non-economic and non-Marxist understanding of politics.