shipman's tale (canterbury tales ) Shipman's Tale (also called The Sailor's Tale) is one of The Canterbury Tales Chaucer launches another attack against the Ecclesiastical community by having the Shipman portray a Monk in a most unsavory light. The Monk breaks his vows with God and he shows himself as a manipulator by falsely claiming that he is related to the Merchant. Not content with taking advantage of the wife’s desperate position regarding money, he betrays her confidence, and his actions risk her unfaithfulness being revealed.
Novels for Students contains easily accessible and content-rich discussions of the literary and historical background of 12 to 15 works from various cultures and time periods. Each novel included in this new resource was specially chosen by an advisory panel of teachers and librarians -- experts who have helped us define the information needs of students
"Adam Bede" by George Eliot
"Arrowsmith" by Sinclair Lewis
"Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne
Novels for Students contains easily accessible and content-rich discussions of the literary and historical background of 12 to 15 works from various cultures and time periods. Each novel included in this new resource was specially chosen by an advisory panel of teachers and librarians -- experts who have helped us define the information needs of students .
Novels for Students contains easily accessible and content-rich discussions of the literary and historical background of 12 to 15 works from various cultures and time periods. Each novel included in this new resource was specially chosen by an advisory panel of teachers and librarians, experts who have helped us define the information needs of students ..
Market Data Explained: A Practical Guide to Global Capital Markets Information
This book is intended to provide a guide to the universe of data content produced by the global capital markets on a daily basis. Commonly referred to as "market data", the universe of content is very wide and the type of information correspondingly diverse. Jargon and acronyms are very common. As a result, users of marker data typically face difficulty in applying the content in analysis and business applications.