New Sky is a four-level course for young students. Flexible and easy to teach, this new edition adds fresh and stimulating content to the syllabus and methodology
SoftwareWizTeach is an interactive teaching software designed for use with any interactive whiteboard, any interactive projector and any touch screen hardware.
A collection of interactive teaching tools over a broad range of subject areas, WizTeach will work alongside any software application, curriculum content and live over the internet.
That means teachers can use the tools alongside the application, content and resource of their choice.
Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms
Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms helps today's educators understand how to immediately use technology as a tool to differentiate instruction. The authors provide a variety of practical instructional strategies to accommodate a broad range of learning styles, abilities, and curriculum content. Creative, ready-to-use lessons mapped to curriculum content standards, activities, and templates allow teachers to kick-start their use of technology in differentiating instruction.
It is now more then 60 years since this book was first published. It has gone through many revisions, and additiond have been made at different times in its history.With the millenium approaching it was decided that there were some points of usage that were no longer relevant and so this edition has been prepared. The content has been completely reviewed in the light of moder English usage? and type-faces and design updated for clarity.
Being No One - The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity
According to Thomas Metzinger, no such things as selves exist in the world: nobody ever had or was a self. All that exists are phenomenal selves, as they appear in conscious experience. The phenomenal self, however, is not a thing but an ongoing process; it is the content of a "transparent self-model."