Added by: funkylosik | Karma: 1062.12 | Black Hole | 29 October 2011
mental_floss - November/December 2011
mental_floss magazine is where knowledge junkies get their fix. It takes the chore out of learning and blurs the line between education and entertainment with its hip, quirky content. Covering everything from black holes to the Dead Sea Scrolls, mental_floss is guaranteed to make you feel smart again.
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New Millennium English 5 - Student's Book (1 year of learning)
Данный учебник начинает серию "Английский язык нового тысячелетия", предназначенную для общеобразовательных учреждений, где английский язык изучается с 5-го класса.
FIRST CLASS Englisch Der komplette Sprachkurs für Anfänger und FortgeschritteneFIRSTCLASSEnglisch Der komplette Sprachkurs für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene The completeEnglishlanguage courseforbeginnersand advanced
Exercise to music full pages with voice and vocabulary in the integrated dictionary - New: debate coach with award-winning speech recognition technology - Interactive vocabulary training with basic and advanced vocabulary - Content: 4 CD-ROMs and 1 audio CD
Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking, 6 edition
This text presents public speaking as a living and dynamic transaction in which the meaning of the message emerges from the relationship between the speaker and the audience. From this perspective, students are encouraged to think critically about their communication and recognize the centrality of the audience in speech preparation. Substantially revised and reorganized, the sixth edition returns to offering a significant degree of content related to the classical and contemporary theories of communication studies—a distinct and popular attribute of earlier editions.
iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 2008 Edition
For your classes in Public Speakingauthor introduces the latest in its acclaimed M Series. The M Series started with your students. McGraw-Hill conducted extensive market research with over 4,000 students to gain insight into their studying and buying behavior. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that is designed according to the way they learn. We also surveyed instructors, and they told us they wanted a way to engage their students without compromising on high quality content.