Using a combination of fantasy and factual content, Tracks addresses the stage pupils go through as they learn a new language. These original tales are full of adventures that will keep young learners motivated through each and every class. Lessons include cross-curricular content, personalisation activities and project work, giving pupils the chance to share their own experiences in the classroom as well as countless opportunities for recycling and assessment.
Using a combination of fantasy and factual content, Tracks addresses the stage pupils go through as they learn a new language. These original tales are full of adventures that will keep young learners motivated through each and every class. Lessons include cross-curricular content, personalisation activities and project work, giving pupils the chance to share their own experiences in the classroom as well as countless oppurtunities for recycling and assessment.
Adding fresh and simulating content to the tried-and-tested syllabus and methodology that have made it so popular, New Sky will continue to satisfy users of this hugely successful course. This dynamic and motivating new edition offers: * new cross-cultural and cross-curricular content that bring the world into the classroom * new Activity Book that provides systematic practice and graded exercises for mixed-ability classes * new testing package to cover all your assessment needs * new photos, dialogues and texts that provide lively and motivating up-to-date lessons
"Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, and You" delivers fully developed content; relevant, engaging features; and a fresh, student-friendly design that appeals to every student in a diverse classroom. To enhance students’ success in assessment, the content is carefully aligned with state and national standards in civics and economics. Two economics units provide an understanding of the interrelationship between democracy and the free enterprise system.