This second volume of Marcuse's collected papers includes unpublished manuscripts from the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Beyond One-Dimensional Man, Cultural Revolution and The Historical Fate of Bourgeois Democracy, as well as a rich collection of letters. It shows Marcuse at his most radical, focusing on his critical theory of contemporary society, his analyses of technology, capitalism, the fate of the individual, and prospects for social change in contemporary society.
Nora Roberts - Charmed & EnchantedSummury: This is the third and fourth installments of the Donovan Legacy (after Captivated & Entranced). The series concerns a contemporary family whose members possess magical powers.
Kaleidoscope: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education (What's New in Early Childhood)
This comprehensive collection of high-interest readings drawn from a wide range of sources (contemporary, classic, academic, and popular) is designed to correlate with the goals of Introduction to Education and Foundations in Education courses.
If you ever feel like falling into a beautiful comic-book story--in the same way one falls back into a warm field of grass--reach for Michel Plessix's lush adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's Wind in the Willows. The artwork is an aquarelle, with thin, precise, detailed lines. It's no wonder he received numerous awards for his previous effort, Julien Boisvert, a contemporary take on the Tintin character type. In Wind in the Willows, Plessix breathes life into Mole, Rat, and Toad (of Toad Hall) as they picnic on the riverbank, indulge in Toad's latest fad, and get lost in Wild Wood.
Added by: chomsky_99 | Karma: 43.69 | Black Hole | 14 August 2013
Language in Late Modernity
The study of teenagers in the classroom, and how they interact with one another and their teachers, can tell us a great deal about late modern (contemporary) society. In this revealing account, Ben Rampton presents the extensive sociolinguistic research he carried out in an inner-city high school. Through his vivid analysis of classroom talk, he offers answers to some important contemporary questions: does social class still count for young people, or is it in demise? Are traditional authority relationships in schools being undermined? How is this affected by popular media culture?
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