Just like a house or a home, idioms and expressions are integral parts of daily life. Due to their non-literal nature, many people wonder what are idioms and what do they mean? These quick expressions explain common scenarios in an abstract manner. Everyday events are frequently centered on houses. After a vacation, everyone wants to return home to resume their routine. The normalcy of life at home has made houses a common theme in many idioms. Here are 10 examples of idioms that are based on home and farm life.
One of the most common methods of data collection in second language research is using questionnaires of various kinds. In spite of the wide application of questionnaires in the second language field, there does not seem to be sufficient awareness in the profession about the theory of questionnaire design and processing. The usual--and in most cases false--perception is that anybody with a bit of common sense can design good questionnaires, and the practice of questionnaire design and use has remained largely uninformed by theory.