Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: How do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low!
Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day
It started with a simple observation: students need their teachers present to answer questions or to provide help if they get stuck on an assignment; they don't need their teachers present to listen to a lecture or review content. From there, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams began the flipped classroom-students watched recorded lectures for homework and completed their assignments, labs, and tests in class with their teacher available.
Taking into account the very latest developments in the field of Special Educational Needs, this book provides busy teachers with a straightforward yet thorough overview of the basic theories surrounding behaviour. The book also looks at the range of strategies that can be used in the classroom, and how their effectiveness can be assessed.
The primary classroom is the context in which a wide range of teaching and learning experiences occur - and not just for the children! What is it that underlies classroom organization, routines, rules, structures and daily occurrences? What are the prime objectives and what influences the decisions of teachers and children? What is it useful for teachers to consider when contemplating the issues of classroom management and organization? What do different practices have to offer?
In schools where young English language learners speak a variety of home languages, welcoming them into the classroom can be very challenging for the teacher and her English-speaking pupils. This long awaited book, written by teachers well experienced in addressing the needs of this young and vulnerable group, will come as a boon to new teachers presented with a multilingual classroom for the first time.