THE AGE OF EXTREMES is eminent historian Eric Hobsbawm's personal vision of the twentieth century. Remarkable in its scope, and breathtaking in its depth of knowledge, this immensely rewarding book reviews the uniquely destructive and creative nature of the troubled twentieth century and makes challenging predicitions for the future.
Utopia and Terror in the 20th Century (24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Course No. 8313 Taught by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius University of Tennessee Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
From the trenches of World War I to Nazi Germany to Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the 20th century was a time of unprecedented violence. According to best estimates, in that 100-year span more than 200 million people were killed in world wars, government-sponsored persecutions, and genocides. Such monumental violence seems senseless. But it is not inexplicable. And if we can understand its origins, we may prevent even greater horrors in the century to come.
In 1347, a merchant ship traveling from Crimea in central Asia docked at Messina in Sicily with a crew of desperately sick sailors. The Black Death had arrived in Europe.
In this course, you will explore the political, social, cultural, and economic revolutions that transformed Europe between the arrival of the Black Death in the 14th century and the onset of the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century. LINKS REUPLOADED
Providing a vibrant new perspective on women in the classical world, A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women, Revised Edition includes more than 500 fascinating life stories ranging from pagan Greece in the seventh century BCE to the rise of Christianity in the fourth century CE. Included in this accessible and user-friendly dictionary are tales from all corners of the Greek and Roman worldsfrom Britain and Egypt to Syria and Mauritania. The authors of this invaluable reference guide have created multidimensional and intriguing biographies of women from all walks of lifepoets and poisoners, wives and mistresses, businesswomen and slaves, rulers and victimsall noted for their accomplishments as well as their family ties.
"American Odyssey: The United States in the Twentieth Century and Beyond" is a history of the United States in the twentieth century, featuring sociological and cultural events, as well as strictly historical, and using many pertinent literary excerpts. Focused on the social history of the United States, this textbook covers relationships, interprets evidence, connects the present to the past, and helps students do all those things.
Reading age for native speakers: High School students