The VITAE project aims ‘to empower vocational teachers to mentor their students and colleagues to work competently in the digital world’. It’s based on EU views and context, but the ideas and insights may be of use elsewhere. The VITAE Handbook ‘Mentoring for 21st Century Skills - It’s all about the Learning’, edited by Helen Keegan and Anne Fox. Hope you find it useful.
Interactive whiteboards are not just another classroom technology. As the first digital technology designed specifically for teaching and learning, they have the potential to radically alter the way we learn and facilitate the integration and ready use of all other digital technologies - hardware and software. Just as the blackboard was the symbol and transformative technology of the 18th century classroom, the interactive whiteboard will be the centrepiece of the 21st century digital classroom.
This third volume of the History of Japan is devoted to the three and a half centuries spanning the final decades of the twelfth century when the Kamakura bakufu was founded to the mid-sixteenth century when civil wars raged following the demise of the Muromachi bakufu.
Japan's ancient age was a period of radical and political change during which a Chinese-style empire emerged. This volume of The History of Japan spans the beginnings of human existence to the end of the eighth century, focusing on the thousand years between 300 BC and 784, the end of the fabulous Nara period.