Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and 21st Century Skills
An emerging body of research suggests that a set of broad "21st century skills"--such as adaptability, complex communication skills, and the ability to solve non-routine problems--are valuable across a wide range of jobs in the national economy. However, the role of K-12 education in helping students learn these skills is a subject of current debate.
Inspired by a new generation of librarians and children, Walter reconsiders the legacy passed on by the matriarchs of children s services and examines more recent trends and challenges growing out of changes in educational philosophy and information technology. This thoroughly researched book includes the current issues and trends of * Outcome-based planning * Early literacy * Homework centers in libraries * Children s spaces
Listening and Human Communication in the 21st Century
Bringing together top listening scholars from a range of disciplines and real world perspectives, Listening and Human Communication in the 21st Century offers a state-of-the-art overview of what we know and think about listening behavior in the 21st century. Introduces students to the core issues listening theory and practice Includes student friendly features such as editorial introductions to each section and questions for further reflection at the end of each chapter
This handbook treats essential matters of grammar, diction, spelling, mechanics; and develops with thoroughness the principles of sentence structure. Larger units of composition it leaves to the texts in formal rhetoric.