Taking a fresh, holistic approach to the topic of architectural technology, this indispensable book looks at the 'why' as well as the 'how' of building science, providing a comprehensive, clear and concise introduction to the subject. The demands faced by architects in their training and education are constantly changing. Written by two practicing architects who teach building technology and design, this text ensures that the reader is given the full picture of the discipline, as it integrates technical material with design sensibilities.
Between a nomad's tent and the Sears Tower lies a revolution in technology, materials, and structures. Here is a clear and enthusiastic introduction to building methods from ancient times to the present day. B/W line drawings.
Changing the course of rivers has changed the course of history. Award-winning author-illustrator- and captivating storyteller- David Macaulay (The Way Things Work) goes to extremes to bring you an unprecedented look at the power of dams. From the banks of the Nile to the top of the Hoover Dam, you’ll meet the courageous and ambitious builders, relive the deadly disasters, and discover the little-known personal triumphs and tragedies behind the greatest dams ever built.
Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins: The Invisible Code of Honor That Takes Ordinary People and Turns them Into a Championship Team
Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins: The Invisible Code of Honor That Takes Ordinary People and Turns them Into a Cha
Great champions in sports, business and even families have one thing in common. It's a legitimate secret weapon. It is something that lies deep in the genetic code of winning organizations. It appears when pressure is high, when the stakes are critical and when everything is on the line. They know how to work as a team.
Rome was a huge city. Running it required not only public works and services but also specialised law. This innovative work traces the development of that law and system in the main areas of administration. The book incorporates and develops previous historical and topographical works by relating their findings to the Roman legal framework, building up a portrait of public administration, unusually comprehensive for the ancient world.