Added by: noelfava | Karma: 10.95 | Black Hole | 8 January 2012
Inside Outside
Inside Outside. Drama and Real life reports. ELT video.
False Beginners. This is a new action-packed video for young children which alternates between drama and real-life reports.
This video can be used with Let's Go for EGB! or any course at an equivalent false beginner level. • key grammar and vocabulary, presented in the video are recycled and practised in every unit.
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Global Elessons Archive [Reading Passages with Teacher Notes and Exercises]
Added by: iloveenglishtips | Karma: 3584.11 | Black Hole | 8 December 2011
Global is a six level course that takes students from Beginner through to Advanced level. Available now: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate. Coming early 2012: Advanced and these are the official elessons published on the macmillan site.
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This illustrated bilingual dictionary is designed primarily for beginning students in Spanish. It presents approximately 1,400 words, each with its translation, pronunciation, and a sample sentence. A separate reference section lists bilingual days of the week, months, numbers, and other helpful words. Words are listed in two sections: Spanish to English and English to Spanish. New in this edition is a travelers' section with cultural notes, as well as words and expressions related to new technologies. Includes approximately 200 line illustrations.
A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading: How to Maximize Profits in 3 Days to 3 Weeks
"A Beginner's Guide to Short-term Trading" is written to those of you who want to profit by grabbing the "sweet spots" out of a stock's uptrend or downtrend. The book explains two styles of trading: swing trading and position trading. When you place a swing trade, you buy a stock with the intent of taking gains in 2 - 5 days. When you enter a position trade, you typically buy a stock breaking out of a base into an uptrend. You hold that position as long as the stock rises in that uptrend, approximately 3 - 6 weeks
Added by: inesap | Karma: 453.53 | Black Hole | 1 August 2011
Global - Free Reading Practice
Global is a six level course that takes students from Beginner through to Advanced level. Available now: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate. Coming early 2012: Advanced. This is a compilation of e-lessons 01 to 74 (each lesson consists of the main reading text + teachers' notes), you can also find them available separately in the microsite of the course.
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