A popular and highly acclaimed four-level Language in Use course which both interests and stretches learners. There is a video to accompany the Beginner, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels. Each video contains eight stimulating and entertaining short programmes. These Videos are designed to be used alongside the Language in Use Beginner, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate courses or any other course at this level.
Beginner Book 4 Teaches short vowel "o" (on, got, dog, etc.). Also teaches that the letter "f" is sometimes pronounced as "v" (of). Page count: 15 pages printed Words taught:Dot, got, hot, lot, not, pot, cop, hop, mop, pop, top, dog, hog, log, cod, nod, on, Bob, job, rob, sob, of, box, fox, ox.
Beginner Book 3 Teaches short vowel "i" (sit, in, did, etc.). Also reinforces that “s” is sometimes pronounced as “z” (is, his, etc.), and introduces the "I" pronoun. Page count: 23 pages printed Words taught: Did, hid, kid, lid, big, dig, fig, jig, pig, dim, him, Jim, Tim, bin, fin, in, win, dip, Kip, lip, sip, tip, zip, bit, fit, hit, it, sit, is, his, I, if.