All New English File Teacher's Books now contain a free Test and Assessment CD-ROM: all the material teachers need for today's testing demands, including fully customizable tests for every level of New English File. This CD-ROM works in two ways: In your computer it has tests and continuous assessment materials as PDFs and Word documents, and full keys. In your CD player it has listening test material to use in class.
Coming to Terms with Student Outcomes Assessment: Faculty and Administrators Journeys to Integrating Assessment in Their Work and Institutional Cultur
Assessment on college campuses has a sordid history, and it is fairly simple to find someone with a traumatic tale to tell. It is wise to respect that that reputation is deserved.” “How do you modify the inner workings and culture of a massive institution with minimal resources and even less authority (other than GE course approvals), and thousands and thousands of talented people busy doing other things?”
Behavioral assessment tests analyze and assess a broad range of behavioral problems found among children and adolescents, including hyperactivity, impulsivity, and ADHD. To use these tests properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret them. Cowritten by leading experts in the behavioral assessment field and the creators of the BASC (Behavioral Assessment System for Children), Essentials of Behavioral Assessment is that source.
This book builds on the expanding knowledge of what works in classrooms and suggests approaches that can open up individual and group possibilities for science and mathematics instruction, suggesting ways that formative assessment practices can inform differentiated teaching, learning, and assessment.