This book fills an educational void by adapting unique classroom-tested techniques that students find most congenial...that strip the shroud of mystery from an esoteric subject...that prepare students for applications of calculus in later courses.
Table of Contents: List of Tables List of Figures List of Code Fragments How to Use This Book Mathematical and Simulation Models in Business Economics MATLAB and Simulink Design Guidelines Importing and Reporting Your Data Library Functions for Business Economics Economic Impact Models Fiscal Impact Models Tax Revenue and Tax PolicyRegional Economics Applications for Business Business Valuation and Damages Estimation Applications for Finance Modeling Location and Retail Sales Applications for Manufacturing uzzy Logic Business Applications Bringing Analytic Power to the Internet Graphics and Other
Handbook of Virtual HumansVirtual Humans are becoming more and more popular and used in many applications such as the entertainment industry (in both film and games) and medical applications. This comprehensive book covers all areas of this growing industry including face and body motion, body modelling, hair simulation, expressive speech simulation and facial communication, interaction with 3D objects, rendering skin and clothes and the standards for Virtual Humans.
Chaotic Dynamics: Theory and Applications to EconomicsThis book is a tool for the theoretical and numerical investigation of nonlinear dynamical systems modeled by means of ordinary differential and difference equations. The work is divided into two parts: a book, comprising a theoretical overview of the subject matter and a number of applications; and an integrated software program. The book first discusses the fundamental concepts and methods of chaos theory, and then applies these theoretical results