Semimodular Lattices: Theory and Applications (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Lattice theory evolved as part of algebra in the nineteenth century through the work of Boole, Peirce and Schröder, and in the first half of the twentieth century through the work of Dedekind, Birkhoff, Ore, von Neumann, Mac Lane, Wilcox, Dilworth, and others. In Semimodular Lattices, Manfred Stern uses successive generalizations of distributive and modular lattices to outline the development of semimodular lattices from Boolean algebras.
This is a must-have guide both for aspiring students and for established professionals who need to keep up to speed with the current impact of recent developments. In this highly visual, full colour text Michael Harris shares his professional secrets and demonstrates how to achieve top quality architectural images. Brief histories of both architecture and architectural photography lay the foundations for the technical applications that follow. This 3rd edition provides increased coverage of the revolution in digital photography.
In this appealing and well-written text, Richard Bronson gives readers a substructure for a firm understanding of the abstract concepts of linear algebra and its applications. The author starts with the concrete and computational, and leads the reader to a choice of major applications (Markov chains, least-squares approximation, and solution of differential equations using Jordan normal form).
The “bible of antenna engineering” fully updated to provide state-of-the-art coverage in antenna design and applications Edited by John L. Volakis, one of the world's leading authorities in antenna engineering, this trusted resource covers all the classic antenna types plus many new types and designs used in communications systems, satellites, radars, and emerging applications from WLAN to automotive systems to biomedical to smart antennas.
Chemistry: Concepts and Applications, Interactive Student Edition
Chemistry: Concepts and Applications is a conceptual approach to the presentation of chemistry. It has a clear and comprehensive narrative of chemistry concepts with just the right amount of math.