Prepare for the CBEST certification exam with the help of this comprehensive digital study guide from XAMonline. Ready for download and immediate use, this guide includes core competencies found on the Reading, Writing, and Mathematics portions of the CBEST such as: Critical Analysis and Evaluation; Comprehension and Context; Research and Reference Skills; Estimation and Measurement; Statistical Principles; Computation and Problem Solving; Numerical and Graphic Relationships; and Writing an Essay. Test and enhance your understanding of key concepts with 125 sample-test questions, an answer key with rigor table and full answer rationales. .
As a teacher of TOEFL iBT, let me say that this is one of the better books out there. I have not yet seen the updated version from 2011, so this review is on the 2008 version but with the assumption that the 2011 is similar and probably better. Why is Delta's Key a better book?
First, Delta's Key gives a lot more explanation than other books, such as the Longman by Deborah Philips and Barron's TOEFL iBT by Pamela Sharpe. For the Reading Section in particular, Delta's
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The largest test preparation product ever released by the TOEFL program, this kit provides 14 hours of practice materials with 980 questions from previously administered TOEFL tests. Included are a workbook with five tests plus an additional 140 practice questions; a sealed test exercise book and answer sheet; four audiocassettes with 248 minutes of recorded listening comprehension material and answer sheet instructions; and the TOEFL Sampler CD-ROM. The CD-ROM contains both Windows and Macintosh versions and includes tutorials, essay topics and sample student essays, and 67 additional practice questions.
Read and Write is an interactive worktext for English Language Learners. It contains authentic literature and nonfiction with substantive, differentiated, and scaffolded support at point of use. The Student Edition uses 'considerate text' to provide a variety of interactive ELL strategies that engage students at all levels of proficiency. The Teacher Edition includes an answer key and other teacher features.
Doing division is downright delightful with these hilarious mini-stories and problems that teach and reinforce this important math skill. Students get lots of practice with division facts, problem solving, dividing with fractions and decimals, and much more! Includes quick tips and an answer key. A great way to meet the NCTM standards. For use with Grades 3-6.