Jake Barton, a tough, hard-punching engineer from Texas, and Gareth Swales, a stylish old-Etonlan gun-runner down on his luck, make a lucrative arms deal with an Ethiopian prince, and dare to challenge the international blockade on land and sea to deliver a consignment of ancient and decrepit armoured cars to his beleaguered countrymen.
A hazy aerial photograph and a sinister curse – known only to the Africans – and Dr Benjamin Kazin stumbles on the archaeological discovery of a lifetime...
For nearly two thousand years, a brilliant and unknown ancient civilisation has remained buried in southern Africa. Now at last the red cliffs of Botswana seem about to yield their secret.
Under the lavish patronage of his old friend and mentor Lauren Sturvesant, head of one of the richest companies in the world, Ben and his green-eyed assistant Sally grope towards the mystery of the lost people.
World travelers and armchair tourists who want to explore the mythology and archaeology of the ruins, sanctuaries, mountains, lost cities, and temples of ancient civilizations will find this guide ideal.
World History: Ancient Civilizations combines motivating stories with research-based instruction that helps students improve their reading and social studies skills as they discover the past. Ancient Civilizations captures each student's imagination by starting every chapter with a story. An engaging narrative, combined with the high-interest visuals, artifacts, and infographics, hold students' attention as they further explore the ancient world. The student textbook provides the latest instructional research to help improve students' reading and social studies skills and prepare them for success on high-stakes standardized tests. Reading age for native speakers: Middle School students (6th grade)
Among the most famous peoples in ancient times were the Celts, who lived in Europe during the Iron Age, from about 600 BCE into the early centuries CE. They fascinated ancient Classical writers of Greece and Rome, who wrote about them often. They left behind an intriguing record of physical remains that have been recovered by archaeologists, and they have continued to hold our attention as modern populations claim a Celtic identity. Using historical, archaeological, linguistic, and anthropological evidence, Professor Johnston provides an intriguing look at the ancient Celtic peoples of Europe, Britain, and Ireland. PDF VERSION ADDED by Pumukl