Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical world. Our paradoxical fascination with them stems from their majestic beauty and powerful, if sometimes deadly, destructiveness. Notwithstanding the tremendous advances in volcanology since ancient times, some of the mystery surrounding volcanic eruptions remains today.
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, Revised Edition provides a comprehensive survey of the classical Greek world. More than 500 A-to-Z entries have been thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the most recent advances in scholarship.
Through a series of experiments Denys A. Stocks tests and evaluates over two hundred reconstructed and replica tools. Combining the knowledge of a modern engineer with the approach of an archaeologist and historian, he brings alive the methods and practices of ancient Egyptian craftworking, and highlights the innovations and advances made by this remarkable civilization.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists is the first comprehensive English language work to provide a survey of all ancient natural science, from its beginnings through the end of Late Antiquity. A team of over 100 of the world’s experts in the field have compiled this Encyclopedia, including entries which are not mentioned in any other reference work – resulting in a unique and hugely ambitious resource which will prove indispensable for anyone seeking the details of the history of ancient science.