The volume makes widely available some important scholarship on the canonical texts of ancient rhetoric and poetics. While there are numerous studies of general trends in classical criticism, this collection offers direct discussions of primary sources, which provide a useful companion to the Russell and Winterbottom anthology, Ancient Literary Criticism.
Ancient Literary Criticism: The Principal Texts in New Translations
Ancient literary criticism has always been a particularly inaccessible subject for the non-specialist student. This edition provides for the first time the principal texts in translation, giving the reader a full view of ancient literary criticism and its development.
The History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to 221 BC
The History of Ancient China provides a survey of the cultural, intellectual, political, and institutional developments of the pre-imperial period. The four subperiods of Shang, Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, are described on the basis of literary and material sources and the evidence of recently found manuscripts.
Passionate about pyramids? Fascinated by pharaohs? Have you got what it takes to be an Ancient Egypt expert? Then check out this action-packed kit and discover this incredible land and its people. Open up this cool slipcase and explore the clip art CD packed with 100s of images to download, read the Eyewitness book jammed with exciting ancient facts, there's a giant wallchart and map to decorate your bedroom walls, a Tutankhamun burial casket to build and pull-out profiles on 48 of the most powerful Egyptian gods and rulers.