While dated--the volume is part of a set on the occult published by Doubleday in 1976--the information contained within is accurate and timely. Moreover, the work contains many exquisite illustrations/reproductions, making it a visually appealing source. I would highly recommend Alchemy: The Ancient Science to any beginner. Used, it's a real value and essential to any alchemical/hermetic library.
The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post-Modern
A layman's guide to art history free from bogged down, convoluted theories provides the reader with a basic working knowledge of art and its influence on society, from ancient times to today.
The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations
Greek mythology still grabs the modern consciousness. Apollo and Dionysos, Artemis and Aphrodite, Zeus and Hermes;but what exactly did these divinities stand for? A team of international scholars offer fresh insight into the making and meaning of Greek mythology. They recount the stories and significance of individual gods and ask to what extent cult, myth, and literary genre determine the nature of divinity.
The beleaguered Tamul Emperor Sarabian needs his Elenian neighbours Sparhawk and Queen Ehlana if he is to defeat the vast conspiracy ranged against his ancient power. Most disturbing of all among his enemies are the Shining Ones, luminous beings that kill with a touch.
There is a brown tide infesting the ocean off the shore of Nicaragua. The twins are working in a NUMA(r) underwater enclosure, trying to determine its origin, when two startling things happen: Summer discovers an artifact, something strange and beautiful and ancient; and the worst storm in years boils up out of the sky, heading straight not only for them but also for a luxurious floating resort hotel square in its path.